The Benefits of Taking a Break
We all know that feeling: eyes glazing over as we stare at the screen, mind pint-pointing on the next item on our to-do list. We’re in dire need of a break, but we can’t possibly take one now—there’s just too much work to be done! Right?
Wrong. As it turns out, taking breaks can actually improve our productivity. That’s because when we focus for long periods of time, we exhaust our brain’s capacity for concentration. Breaks give our brains time to refocus and come back to the task at hand with fresh energy and perspective.
Not convinced? Here are three more benefits of taking a break:
1. Improved physical health: When we sit for hours on end, we’re not just hurting our concentration—we’re also harming our physical health. Studies have shown that sitting for long periods of time is linked to a number of health problems, including obesity, heart disease, and cancer. Taking regular breaks throughout the day can help reduce these risks.
2. Increased creativity: If you’re struggling to come up with new ideas, a break may be exactly what you need. When we step away from our work, we allow ourselves the opportunity to see things from a different perspective. This can lead to Eureka moments and inspired solutions that we may never have thought of while staring at the same four walls.
3. Reduced stress: One of the main reasons we often don’t take breaks is because we’re worried about everything that needs to get done. But what we don’t realize is that by taking a few minutes to relax, we’re actually reducing our stress levels and giving ourselves the mental space needed to approach our work with a clear head.
The next time you find yourself getting frazzled at your desk, take a break! Go for a walk, grab some coffee, or chat with a colleague. Your work will thank you for it.
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